Located in Muhammadu Jega Rd Abeokuta
The most famous landmark in Abeokuta is the Olumo Rock – a hill that served as a hiding place for the Egba people during the slave-taking expeditions of the Yoruba Civil War – and the town itself is named after it, as Abeokuta means ‘under the rock’. There are man-made stairwells that make climbing the rock relatively easy, and along the way are shrines, usually tended to by women, dedicated to different gods. Getting to the summit of the hill is worth the climb, for it gives you the aerial view of the whole town, lying in the valley, and of the Ogun River, snaking its way through the forests that surrounds the town.
Entry Fee: #1000
Parking Fee: #300/#400
Open: Monday– Saturday 10am – 6pm
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